Why men shouldn't write advice columnsWhy men shouldn't write advice columns

Why men shouldn’t write advice columns

The four agreements - life advice

The four agreements – life advice

Closed one day. Today.

Closed one day. Today.

How to cheer yourself up in 2 easy steps

How to cheer yourself up in 2 easy steps

The older I get, the more I understand Squidwards anger

The older I get, the more I understand Squidwards anger

“Perhaps the heaviest things we lift are not our weights but our feels” - anon

Perhaps the heaviest things we lift are not our weights but our feels

If you can't handle me at my diddliest...

If you can’t handle me at my diddliest…

I don't really like people but you're cool

I don’t really like people but you’re cool

English Grammar for Dummies Amazon review

English Grammar for Dummies Amazon review

Brilliant old Daihatsu van advert

Brilliant old Daihatsu van advert

Stunning old colour pictures of Paris

Funny album covers

Adding insult to injury

Adding insult to injury

Oh the huge manatee

Oh the huge manatee

Bad dog!

Bad dog!

I've been posting my letters in the dog poo box for 2 years

I’ve been posting my letters in the dog poo box for 2 years

Hipster cat

Hipster cat

Cats like stubble

Cats like stubble

Bad camel

Bad camel

Flying cat

Flying cat

Bad dog

Bad dog

I don't want to alarm you but...

I don’t want to alarm you but…

I love you lamp

I love you lamp



Doctor joke

Doctor joke

How to identify wood

How to identify wood

Imma boop your head

Imma boop your head



I couldn't even say the alphabet sober!

I couldn’t even say the alphabet sober!

Ermahgerd ternershberl

Ermahgerd ternershberl

No I must dance!

No I must dance!



How cats end up with 9 lives

How cats end up with 9 lives

How to understand the British

How to understand the british

You want some of this??? Lol cow

You want some of this??? Lol cow

Worst teacher ever

The Aussies pull a speed camera stunt

The Aussies pull a speed camera stunt

What's your greatest weakness?

What’s your greatest weakness?

If advice columns were answered by men

If advice columns were answered by men…

We've examined your stool and it was delicious

We’ve examined your stool sample and it was delicious